
Dental care

Dental care is important horses to live a happy, healthy and pain free life.

An annual oral examination by your veterinarian is recommended, you should also regularly check your horse for signs of dental disease and book an appointment if they are present. These symptoms can include:

  • Facial swelling
  • Bad breath
  • Dropping feed (quidding)
  • Not eating
  • Weight lose
  • Eating with head tilted
  • Excessive salivation
  • One-sided nasal discharge
  • Resistance or discomfort associated with the bit/bridle when performing under saddle and/or at rest.

Camden Equine Centre’s ambulatory service is equipped with the latest technology to provide a full range of on-farm routine dental services for horses of all sizes, ages and breeds.

Our equine ambulatory team can come to you to deliver your equine dental needs including routine dental and oral health checks, wolf tooth extractions as well as dental and sinus radiography using our portable equipment.

For complicated procedures such as sinus disease investigation, cheek tooth extractions and oral surgery, our team use our state-of-the-art specialist hospital at Brownlow Hill which features first-class operating and examination facilities, specialists diagnostic pathology, imaging and anaesthesia staff, and a wide range of stabling and accommodation.

In the event that we detect an issue during a routine dental that requires extensive further treatment, of course, we will offer a no-obligation free quote before commencing any work.